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Delmaco, grounding reel, bonding, cable, discharge, MIL C83413/4, electrostatic, earthing, grounding, A-A-50696, static, olive drab, 21C clip, clamp, aviation, bulk transfer, extension, fuel, handling equipment, material transfer, refineries, hytrel,

The following drawings represent general dimensions for clearances in the design phase, aid in proper mounting of the reel, or retrofitting / replacement within existing applications.

          •  DMI-50 Series (2 hole mounting pattern)

          •  DMI-75 Series (2 hole mounting pattern)

          •  DMI-100 Series (4 hole mounting pattern)

          •  DMI-Manual Retrieve Series (hand wind & 2 hole mounting pattern)

We invite you to discuss your
requirements with our Sales Department.


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